
Alatura-te cu incredere pentru o experienta transformationala profunda.

Pentru mai multe informatii, click pe afis!

Know Thyself: Transformational Tantric Rebirth Program

October 2-6 – Bran, Romania

Join this immersive retreat designed for those seeking to find their center, discover their true self, and unlock their potential. Through tantric wisdom, conscious breathing, and self-discovery practices, you’ll experience profound personal transformation.

Program Highlights:

  • 🌬️ Sacred Breathwork: Purify and energize with pranayama techniques.
  • 🌀 Chakra Activation: Balance and harmonize your energy centers.
  • 🌳 Forest Bathing: Connect with nature through guided walks.
  • 📵 Digital and Physical Detox: Rejuvenate by disconnecting from technology and cleansing your body with a curated diet.
  • 🧘‍♀️ Yoga and Meditation: Enhance your mind-body connection with daily sessions.
  • 🔥 Evening Campfires: Enjoy storytelling, music, and community bonding.

💰 Investment:

  • 🏨 Single Room: 3390 RON (4 nights/5 days)
  • 🏨 Double Room: 2790 RON (4 nights/5 days)
  • 💸 Discounts: 10% OFF  for early bird (until September 1st) | Join with a friend and you get an extra 10% OFF

Guided by Cosette Alina and her team, this program offers personalized support to ensure a deeply enriching experience.

>>Contact us to find out more and secure your spot for a transformative retreat. 🌟

Womb & Birth Healing Retreat: Transform Your Life

13-17 November – Sicily, Italy

Join this retreat focused on healing the womb and birth traumas. Guided by Alina Cosette, this experience will help you rewrite your birth script, addressing deep-seated programs and healing prenatal trauma. Set in the serene landscapes of Sicily, this retreat offers a powerful journey towards profound transformation and self-empowerment.

Program Highlights:

  • 🌕 Full Moon Ceremony: Set intentions for deep healing under the full moon in a sacred space.
  • 📵 Detox Diet & Digital Detox: Cleanse your body and mind with a curated diet and unplugged environment.
  • 🌳 Nature Immersion: Connect with Sicily’s healing landscapes through guided walks.
  • 🌬️ Rebirthing Breathwork: Heal prenatal trauma and rewrite your birth script for lasting change.
  • 💧 Warm Water Breathing: Experience transformative breathing sessions in warm water to enhance emotional release and balance.
  • 🧘‍♀️ Spiritual Coaching & Yoga: Participate in sessions designed to support emotional healing and physical alignment.
  • 🔥 Elemental Rituals: Engage in powerful practices like fire ceremonies and water meditations.
  • 📖 Journaling & Community: Reflect on your experiences and bond with others through shared stories and evening gatherings.
  • ❓ Interactive Sessions: Enhance your healing with personalized guidance and insightful discussions.

💰 Investment:
Prices TBA

Facilitation and Support:
With guidance from Alina Cosette, you’ll receive comprehensive support throughout this transformative retreat. Secure your place in this unique opportunity for healing and renewal in the tranquil surroundings of Sicily. 🌟


Unveil Your Inner Brilliance: Longevity & Rejuvenation Retreat

January 2024 – Bali, Indonesia

Experience a retreat designed to bring out your hidden potential through Rebirthing Breathwork and transformative practices. This program will focus on abundance, balancing masculine and feminine energies, rejuvenation, longevity, and overcoming the death urge. Set amidst Bali’s lush jungles and serene coastline, this retreat offers profound self-discovery and empowerment, helping you connect with your true strengths and achieve inner harmony.

Program Highlights:

  • 🌑 New Moon Ceremony: Set powerful intentions in a sacred environment.
  • 📵 Detox Diet & Digital Detox: Cleanse body and mind with a curated diet and unplugged atmosphere.
  • 🌳 Forest Immersion: Heal through guided walks in Bali’s natural landscapes.
  • 🌬️ Rebirthing Breathwork: Release emotional burdens and access deeper consciousness.
  • 🧘‍♂️ Spiritual Coaching & Yoga: Tailored sessions promoting emotional understanding and physical balance.
  • 🔥 Elemental Rituals: Engage in transformative fire ceremonies and river meditations.
  • 📖 Journaling & Community: Reflect and bond through shared stories and campfire music.
  • ❓ Interactive Sessions: Gain insights with personalized guidance and discussions.

💰 Investment:

  • 🏨 Single Room: €2222 per person (10 nights/9 days)
  • 🏨 Double Room: €2022 per person (10 nights/9 days)
  • 💸 Discounts: 10% off for early bird (until October 15) and an extra 5% if you come with a  friend. 

Facilitation and Support:
Guided by Cosette Alina and Paul Manea, you’ll receive comprehensive support throughout this enriching experience.




Te invit o călătorie profundă de trei săptămâni, în Goa, India,  unde vei fi ghidată să îți abandonezi rutina cotidiană și să pătrunzi în profunzimile esenței tale reale.

💫 Stăpânește-ți Respirația și Redescopera-te

💫 Devino un Practicant și/ sau Facilitator de Respirație Rebirthing. 

💫 Creează o viață nouă, mai fericită, mai împlinită

Descoperă metoda revoluționară a lui Leonard Orr, pionierul metodei Rebirthing, și lasă-te condus(ă) pe poteci nebătătorite de autodescoperire, vindecare și dezvoltare personală. Acest periplu nu doar că îți va redefini respirația și viața, dar te va iniția în arta de a fi un Practicant și Facilitator de Respirație Rebirthing. Este șansa de a renaște într-o viață nouă, fericită și împlinită.

⌛️CÂND? Programul incepe pe 11 noiembrie

Poti sa ni te alaturi pentru 1 saptamana, 3 saptamani sau pentru toata durata de 5 saptamani.


Avem 3 pachete pentru tine. 

💫Initiation – Săptămâna 1 din călătoria Rebirthing – 8 nopti/9 zile  

💫 21 Days to Self – Become a Rebirthing Practitioner – 3 saptamani (Saptamanile 1,2 si 3)

💫 Become a Rebirthing Facilitator – 5 saptamani

Click aici pentru detalii sau contacteaza-mă direct.

Rebirthing Breathwork

Vindecarea Intruparii / Rebirthing Retreat, 14-19 SEP 2022

Rebirthing Breathwork

Facilitator Training / Retreat 1, 12-18 AUG 2022

Rebirthing Breathwork

Retreat M3 Alchimizarea Umbrelor Copilariei, 11-17 OCT 2022

Heart & Womb rebirthing

23-26 SEP 2022 , Gokceada, Turcia

Rebirthing breathwork retreat

20-23 Mai 2022 , Bran, Romania


27 Mai 2022, ora 15 , Șinca Nouă

Rebirthing breathwork

24 Aprilie 2022, Kuyabe, Tulum, Mexico

Suflet drag, creatoar si intuitiv, alatura-te pentru o calatorie exploratorie unica. Vino sa-ti reamintesti cine esti si sa te reconectezi cu esenta ta divina.
Vino sa-ti revigorezi energia si sa retrezesti potentialul finite tale.
Timp de 4 zile, intr-un loc magic, in mijlocul muntilor si al padurii, inviorata de apa pura a izvoarelor, vei respira renasterea ta.